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Monday, November 4, 2013

Healthy Multi-grain Cracker Crusted Baked Cod

    Super easy and unbelievably quick to make! 

I used cod but feel free to go with any white fish you like. 


-6 medium sized 3/4 inch bone-free fillets of cod or any white fish
-1 1/2 c. multi-grain cracker crumbs (Think Ritz or Jacob's)
-1 Tbs. lemon pepper
-2 tsp. Old Bay spice or other seasoning salt
1 egg beaten
1 Tbs. water
olive oil to drizzle

I used a food processor to grind up the crackers but you can definitely crush them in a large zip lock if you don't own a food processor. Anyway, mix the cracker crumbs with the lemon pepper and spices and set aside. 

Add water to the beaten egg in a bowl to create an egg wash. Dip one side of each fish fillet in the egg wash and place egg side up onto a greased foiled baking sheet, evenly spaced.

Sprinkle cracker crumb mixture generously onto the tops of each fillet and gently pat the crumbs down. Then drizzle all fillets lightly with the olive oil.

Pop them into the oven at 350 for about 8-10 minutes, checking every few minutes throughout. Fillets should be slightly firm and crust should be golden brown and crunchy.

Serve with veggies and a lemon wedge and enjoy!   

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